Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Playing With Food

Life becomes a lot more exciting when you have a baby eating solids: Splatters on the wall, splatters on the floor, splatters on me...and some pretty adorable pictures. Annie has been eating solids since about four months and it has been one fun and messy ride :)

Let's just say our girls like to "get into their food". That's why I was excited to try this cute idea I found in a Parents magazine.
It's called a DIY salad. You fill a muffin tin full of salad fixins and let your toddler go to town. Well, it was a hit. Halle tried everything, even the raw vegetables!

My thoughts: "I didn't even have to grind up the veggies and hide them in something else! We are definitely doing this again."

Well, that lasted a few minutes, and then Halle started experimenting and making some interesting combinations.

My thoughts: "How cute, she's a little scientist."

The combinations became a little weirder...and messier.

My thoughts: "Is she really going to eat that?"

Pretty soon, Annie became distracted from tossing Cheerios off her high chair tray to watch her scientific sister work on something that no longer resembled anything edible.

My thoughts: "Is she actually going to--uh, don't do that--keep your soup out of there---keep that out of your soup--don't splash that all over the place---wait---stop---ARRRRG!"

Well. Now we've got salad fixins keeping the scattered Cheerios on the floor company.

My thoughts: "NEVER AGAIN!!!!" Or at least until we get a little better control over science.

Happy Easter!

Enjoying Some Easter Goodies

Halle's Rockin' Outfit...Guess who picked it out all by herself?

Fun with Bubbles

Monday, April 5, 2010

Vikings, Damsels, and a Grumpy Old Troll

Halle the Viking
Halle, Annie, and I joined Bubba and all the cousins for dinner and a movie on Saturday while the guys were at Priesthood Session. We saw "How to Train Your Dragon". Really cute movie, but a little intense. I even found my heart pounding in parts. Annie slept through most of it, which was nice. It's been awhile since I've been to a movie in theaters and I was a little nervous to take her. I was even more nervous to take Halle, but apparently, she can handle vikings and fire breathing dragons. Kinda funny since the day before she was playing the damsel in distress at Playgroup. She kept climbing on top of the shoe rack and calling out, "Save me!". Then her little rescuer, Grant, would help her down. They did this over and over...and over. It was pretty cute. She sure picks up on random things. And I'm not quite sure how I feel about the influence of tv yet. For instance, she's been learning a lot from Dora the Explorer. The other day she needed help with something and she said, "Help, Mommy! Ayudeme!" "Cool," I thought, "She's learning Spanish." But then today she called me a grumpy old troll. Suddenly I'm not as big a fan of Dora. ;)